The final DACA rule was published on August 30, 2021 and becomes enforceable on October 31, 2022. The rule was published by the Biden administration to try to preserve DACA from further court review. The rule’s aim is to preserve and fortify DACA as a method of relief for individuals who arrived in the United… Read More
Biden Administration Announces New Regulations on DACA
On Wednesday, August 24, 2022, the Biden Administration announced a new rule that would strengthen DACA against legal challenges, it is intended to preserve and fortify DACA as it currently exists. The rule is scheduled to take effect on October 31, 2022. The Final Rule: Maintains the existing threshold criteria for DACA; Retains the existing… Read More
Appellate Court Hears Arguments regarding DACA
Last week, the appellate court heard oral arguments regarding the future of DACA. The following are three main takeaways you should keep in mind in regards to DACA. Only oral arguments were heard by the court. A decision on DACA is expected to come out in the following weeks or even months. You can… Read More
El 1 de julio de 2022, USCIS actualizó su interpretación de los efectos de los viajes autorizados para los beneficiarios de TPS. Este memorando reemplaza el Manual de políticas anterior de USCIS con respecto al tratamiento del regreso de un beneficiario de TPS después de un viaje autorizado al extranjero. Antes de la actualización, USCIS… Read More
On July 1, 2022 USCIS updated it interpretation of the effects of authorized travel by TPS beneficiaries. This memo supersedes the prior USCIS Policy Manual regarding the treatment of a TPS beneficiary’s return after authorized travel abroad. Prior to the update USCIS refused to recognize that travel by temporary protected status (TPS beneficiaries) after August… Read More
La Corte Suprema se pone del lado de los esfuerzos de Biden para poner fin al programa “Permanecer en México”
El jueves, la Corte Suprema dictaminó que la administración Biden puede rescindir la política de “Quédate en México” de Trump. Esta política se aplica a las personas que viajaron por México y desean solicitar asilo en los Estados Unidos. Bajo esta política, cualquier persona que quisiera solicitar asilo tenía que permanecer en México mientras USCIS… Read More
Supreme Court Sides With Biden’s Efforts to End ‘Remain in Mexico’ Program
On Thursday, the Supreme Court ruled that the Biden administration can rescind Trump’s “Stay in Mexico” policy. This policy applies to people who traveled through Mexico and wish to apply for asylum in the United States. Under this policy, any person who wanted to apply for asylum had to remain in Mexico as USCIS and… Read More
La corte amplía el alcance de las deportaciones
El 25 de junio, la corte del Distrito Sur de Texas dictaminó eliminar la política de inmigración de Biden que prioriza el arresto de inmigrantes indocumentados que son considerados una amenaza para la seguridad pública. El juez designado por Trump, Drew B. Tipton, dijo que la política limitaba a los agentes de inmigración a realizar… Read More
The Court Widens Scope of Deportations
On June 25th, the Southern District Texas court ruled to eliminate Biden’s immigration policy that prioritized the arrest of undocumented immigrants who are considered a threat to public safety. The Trump-appointed judge, Drew B. Tipton, said that the policy limited immigration agents to make arrests. The lawsuit that Texas and Louisiana filed limited Biden’s policy… Read More
La Corte Suprema descarta el esfuerzo republicano para defender la regla de inmigración de ‘carga pública’ de la administración Trump
El 16 de junio de 2022, la Corte Suprema rechazó los argumentos de los republicanos para defender la política de inmigración de “carga pública” de la era Trump. Esta política se le hacía más difícil a los inmigrantes que deseaban ajustar su estatus si estaban recibiendo beneficios públicos como Medicaid, cupones de alimentos y vales… Read More